Website Development in India

Website Development in India

vicoswap, a web development company delivering web development services to its customers within and beyond the geographical boundaries. We deliver services as per customer requirements for their growth. We provide our clients a click model for their business. vicoswap has a professional team of web developers who utilize their skills and help clients to get a competitive edge by delivering a complete package of web development comprising of custom web development, portal development, CMS development, payment gateway development database development and e-commerce solutions.

Our diligent experts work on the customer focused model. vicoswap Works in an organized way with excellence in technology, cost effectiveness and efficiency. We deliver customer specific web solutions for varied businesses that may be in its product line or size. We have achieved various goals and one of the best vendors delivering a comprehensive package of web services. Our specialists work together with clients to deliver best services and achieve their goal.

These services are premised on competence over the following technical domains:

Our Technical Expertise

AJAX Framework Prototype, JQuery, Yahoo UI Library
Frameworks CakePHP Framework , CodeIgniter Framework (CI), Zend Framework, Symfony (PHP Web application Framework), YII PHP Framework
Databases MySQL 5.x, PostgreSQL
Open Source Wordpress, Magento, Drupal, Joomla

Microsoft ASP.NET (C# & VB.NET)

Open Source NHibernate, Log4Net, Spring.NET, Quartz.NET
Databases SQL Server 2005/2008, Oracle 8i/9i/10g
Web and Desktop Applications ASP.NET (MVC3), ASP.NET 3.5/4.0 (C# / VB.NET) Web Services, AJAX, Windows Workflow Foundation, Silverlight, Sharepoint

Mobile (iOS/Android/Windows/Blackberry)

Blackberry BlackBerry Java DE, Eclipse, BlackBerry Theme Studio, Java ME, BlackBerry SDK, Java
iOS (iPhone/iPad) iPhone SDK, Cocoa Touch, Xcode, Objective-C
Windows Mobile MS Visual Studio, .NET Compact Framework, Visual Basic, C#
Android Eclipse, Android SDK, Android Native Development Kit (NDK), Android DT (ADT), Java

Need for outsourcing web development services

The current scenario is all about web. Web does not limit only to technology, it means business, service provider and information basket. For global business, it can be said as 'blood to body'. Internet is a medium for growth therefore; it requires a proper handling for which a company requires experts. These experts are accessible by outsourcing the development process. It is important to outsource the process to right vendors. Outsourcing enables organization to focus on its critical areas in which they are specialized. Outsourcing of web services also helps in cost cutting which would incur in hiring web development professionals. Outsourcing web services to us will relieve you from burden as we have highly experienced and skilled web developers.


Challenges in outsourcing web development depend on the outsourcing company you are opting. Choice of dealer sets the success of outsourcing. If a vendor failed, outsourcing can cost you. Vendor should ensure web design to be customer oriented, unique, as per the specifications and on time deployment. Vendor should understand the importance of value to cost.


vicoswap, with its experience and world class service in web development solutions has attained its high position among its competitors.vicoswap handle together the technical capabilities with that of client's specifications. We work on one time-one customer model. We flawlessly organize multifaceted web projects as per customer requirements.

Therefore, we are successful in retaining our brilliance in the sector. Our package includes:

  • Custom web development
  • Portal Development
  • CMS Web Development
  • Payment Gateway Development
  • E-Commerce Solutions

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